Fantasy worlds are rich of extraordinary races and weird creatures. Today, we'll be listing the top 10 fantasy races. All of these races can be found in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.
Number 10: Centaur
Centaurs have the lower body of a horse and the upper body of a man. These creatures can be found in the world of Dungeons and Dragons, as well as in the world of Magic The Gathering. They mostly reside in forests. Should you ever find yourself at the business end of a centaur, don't bother running. He'll be faster than you. He'll be stronger than you. And he won't even be the one that gets you. It'll be the rest of his tribe that you didn't realize was surrounding you until they've buried their arrows in you.
Number 9: Ogre
Ogres are the powerful and large creatures we see in Magic The Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons and most notably; Shrek. As we all know from the movie, they can often be found in swamps. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, they are also seen in grasslands and plains. For the movie alone, the ogre deserves the number 9 spot.
Number 8: Dragonborn
Number 7: Gnomes
Gnomes, even though they look like Halflings, are nothing like them. Gnomes were born for the adventuring life. They enjoy every moment of exploration, inovation and play. They are smaller than humans and a little bit taller than halflings. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, they can live three to five centuries long. Though gnomes love jokes of all kinds, particularly puns and pranks, they’re just as dedicated to the more serious tasks they undertake. Many gnomes are skilled engineers, alchemists, tinkers, and inventors. They’re willing to make mistakes and laugh at themselves in the process of perfecting what they do, taking bold (sometimes foolhardy) risks and dreaming large.
Number 6: Giants
These HUGE creatures aren't called giants for nothing. Some times taller than fifteen feet, these creatures are incredibly big. Almost every fantasy world has got some giants in them. Giants are, more often than not, not very clever. They make up for their lack of intelligence by smashing any obstacle that comes on their path.
Number 5: Orc
Orcs are another classic example of a fantasy monster. These brutes are larger and heavier than humans and are, in most worlds, evil and dangerous. They gather in tribes that satisfy their bloodlust by slaying any humanoids that stand against them. It be best to turn around and start running when you are approached by a bunch of orcs.
Number 4: Halflings
Halflings, or more famously known as Hobbits, are one of the smallest and bravest races in fantasy. The original Dungeons and Dragons included Hobbits but they had to change the name because Tolkien would not let them use the same name for the creatures as he does in his books. Halflings are essentially the same as the Hobbits from Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Halflings are the most cozy people in fantasy worlds. And they sure love their second breakfast.
Number 3: Elf
Elves are one of the most notable races in fantasy. Elves are magical people of otherworldly grace, living in the world but not entirely part of it. In the lord of the rings they are a more overpowered version of humans, they are faster, live longer, smarter, more beautiful and a lot better at everything. In the world of Dungeons and Dragons, they are more balanced but still magical and special. They can also be recognised by their pointy ears. Because they are a very classic fantasy race, elves deserve the number 3 spot.
Number 2: Dwarves
Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors,
miners, and workers of stone and metal. Though they stand well under 5 feet
tall, dwarves are so broad and compact that they can weigh as much as a human
standing nearly two feet taller. Their courage and endurance are also easily a
match for any of the larger folk. Dwarves can live to be more than 400 years old. They make giant halls and imposing cities. Dwarves are another classic fantasy race so they deserve the second place
Number 1: Goblins
Goblins or often called gobbo's, everybody's favourite fantasy creature. Goblins are small, funny and most of the time evil. And that is what makes them so great. They are weak on their own but they gather in large numbers to defeat other creatures. Gobbo's are the essence of fantasy as we know it and that is why they are the rightful heir to the number one spot on this list.
Thanks for reading this blogpost. Make sure to check in next week when we launch a brand new blogpost. Tell us in the comments down below which fantasy race is your favourite.
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